The right-wing lie that Obama grew government Posted on June 25, 2012 by BabySpittle Check the video. I may add additional details here if I feel ambitious. But I’ve discussed this lie recently anyway.
Politics Willard Romney’s latest lie BabySpittle June 8, 2012 0 Awkward mitt made the asinine claim that president obama knowingly helped slow the recovery. Each of these charts below shows the economy MUCH BETTER OFF […]
Politics Its a Trap! admin February 12, 2010 0 After republicans were schooled by Obama’s use of facts recently, they are nervous about going on TV again with him. Stewart: The Daily Show With […]
Politics HE TRIED TO END OUR REPUBLIC Fuck Nazis September 29, 2023 0 You can be a trump supporter, but you cannot also be a patriot. You can falsely believe that “he tells it like it is”, but […]