
Rick Santorum has made a habit of crazy statements.
He’s a republican – what else is new.

He recently said:

SANTORUM: Am I going to go after Mitt Romney on Romneycare? You bet I will, because it was the basis for Obamacare. Why? Because it’s top-down, government-run medicine. Does the state of Massachusetts have the right to do it, as you said? Yes they do, states have the right to do that. That doesn’t make it the right thing to do. I’m going to go out and piece by piece talk about how his approach is wrong, how it will destroy this country to have someone up against, who is not going to be willing to take on Obamacare, and has a track record of supporting that kind of statist government.

How accurate is Santorum?

“Because it’s top-down, government-run medicine.”

“Yes they do, states have the right to do that. That doesn’t make it the right thing to do.”
What makes it “the right thing to do” is more people being insured and living longer, healthier lives.
That and Obamacare extending medicare solvency by 12 years.
And that Obamacare lowers the deficit (last year’s HUGE CONCERN from the right, before they took the house).

“how it will destroy this country”
HAHAHAHA, republicans are all nutty drama queens.

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