Steve Wynn, Wynn Casino Mike White, Rite-Hite Jack DeWitt, Request Foods Arthur Allen, CEO Of ASG Richard Lacks, Lacks Enterprises Why are these fascist assholes […]
Likely behind only the fossil fuel industry in terms of being welfare qeens are McDonalds and Walmart. Each are subsidized billions of dollars per year – […]
This is something I’ve pointed out to numerous dumb cons over the last 3 years. Mr. Romney constantly talks about job losses under Mr. Obama. […]
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I want for mr, prisendent obama toaplese help me for my schooling inmonrovia, liberia. beause i has noone to help me for my school fee.I am a high school graduate, 20 yearof age.I live on Ashmun street, monrovia, liberia,oppoiste the ministry of justice.E-mail adderss;name of church.saving grace monrovia, liberia.
I want for mr, prisendent obama toaplese help me for my schooling inmonrovia, liberia. beause i has noone to help me for my school fee.I am a high school graduate, 20 yearof age.I live on Ashmun street, monrovia, liberia,oppoiste the ministry of justice.E-mail adderss;name of church.saving grace monrovia, liberia.