We know that republicans don’t care about illegal immigration. Republicans simply hate Latinos. Otherwise, they’d focus on the majority of undocumented that DID NOT arrive by way of the southern border.
And here’s something you won’t hear on foreign-owned Fox Propaganda network, or any of it’s copycat networks or right wing hate radio hosts.
One of the few “policy ideas” that idiot trump has talked about (aside from continuing to take reproductive health rights away from women) is mass deportation.
And again, immigration is GOOD for the economy. Mass deportations are BAD for the economy. It would be nice if right wingers stopped voting against themselves.
GWB’s presidencyWithout Fox Propaganda network, GWB would not have been close enough for the far right supreme court to appoint him as president. The hundreds […]
A couple months ago, amazon announced that they were closing all california affiliate accounts in retaliation to a piece of legislation that would help the […]