The orange fascist traitor has frequently attacked our allies, and our NATO allies. Trump acts like NATO nations pay dues, as they would in a […]
Month: February 2024
Why are republicans so pro-russia? Why do republicans love russia’s dictator?
Is it the same reason that republicans hate democracy (our own, ukraine’s, etc)? Is their shared hate of democracy the tie that binds them together? […]
Conservatives falsely blame immigrants for Fentanyl
Data shows that most illicit fentanyl is smuggled into the U.S. through the southern border and, specifically, through Ports of Entry (POEs) and by U.S. citizens. […]
Even before republicans blocked the latest effort to solve the border issue, it was obvious republicans didn’t care about illegal immigrants.
It was always about hating brown people. For 7th Consecutive Year, Visa Overstays Exceeded Illegal Border Crossings Most Illegal Immigration Isn’t Coming From The Mexican […]
Why do republicans act like children? Do conservative voters like political leaders who behave like immature and ignorant brats?
Do immature fools really appeal to the republican base? Ignore for a moment that republicans are terrible people who harm our national security and prevent […]
The cost of housing in the USA
People on the left have mentioned this as an important issue that “nobody is talking about”. Nevermind that biden’s agenda called for the largest investment […]
Why do republicans get credit for COMPLAINING about an issue that republicans often created or made worse?
Republicans authored giant deficits under reagan, gwb and trump. Dems massively reduced the giant republican deficits. But at least under Obama, republicans were trusted more […]
Trump’s COVID response
Before COVID, idiot trump had the foresight to disband the pandemic response team. Stable genius. Then he spent a lot of time lying about the […]
Trump’s border wall
Traitorous criminal trump took billions meant for military housing in order to build a section of wall along the border. What were the benefits? Smugglers […]
Why do no reporters ask why Idiot Trump says what he says?
When that fascist moron says “The bill is bad” (such as the border legislation republicans negotiated then blocked), journalists should ask him WHY HE SAYS […]