Working from Home: Quality Time with Timmy Posted on January 19, 2010 by admin Timmy may not have been sober. He’s been hitting the catnip a lot lately. My mother’s fault for being his pusher.
Other Healthday: Exercise and Coffee reduce prostrate cancer risk admin December 8, 2009 0 I saw that title and thought, “Great, all those years of drinking coffee will pay off with more than just stained teeth.” Of course, that […]
Other An unexpected visitor admin January 21, 2010 0 This little guy showed up to play on my porch. Probably spent the afternoon digging up my plants or eating the seeds before I noticed […]
Other Neda Soltan’s mother speaks to CNN admin November 5, 2009 0 Neda was killed in June by a Basiji during the Iran election protests. when they uncovered her face, I saw her. She was absolutely beautiful […]