Awkward mitt made the asinine claim that president obama knowingly helped slow the recovery. Each of these charts below shows the economy MUCH BETTER OFF […]
Author: BabySpittle
Wisconsin Dirty Tricks
Dirty Trick – A robocall in wisconsin is telling people they don’t need to vote if they signed the recall ballot. – there are groups […]
Is your polling place a church?
In a country where we have separation of church and state, why the fuck am I voting at a church?
Debunking the right’s simple jack lie about gas prices.
You’ll hear from dumb or propagandist cons that the price of gas has doubled under president Obama. that isn’t remotely true. the national average reached […]
Are conservatives hiring foreign spam-bots to flood
The following is in chronological order. Alan 2012-05-26T19:48:28+0000 Well you see oblama lie to his teeth. Alan 2012-05-26T19:50:51+0000 As you see, a lot of the […]
why should we care about unions?
Aside from the fact that everyone’s salary increases as a result of a strong union (who bargains for better pay – even unaffiliated workers pay […]
Obama spending binge never happened
“Of all the falsehoods told about President Barack Obama, the biggest whopper is the one about his reckless spending spree. As would-be president Mitt Romney […]
To-Do list for congress.
See if any of you dumb cons want to argue against any of these items presented by the white house.