Youtube’s Libertarian Nutjob Spammers

Ladylordess is a nutjob spam account that posts the same generic asinine garbage on every white house video.  account marto follows it around a lot.  These comments are all since June 26, but are not all of the spammer’s comments – just the ones that were easy to dig up.  bolded items could be facts, if they were true.

– How is this person still in office?  Our campaigner-in-chief has lost all respect by Americans who care about America and her people.  Who are these canned lines of rhetoric working on?  The people who support him aren’t capable of higher education and the obama economy isn’t going to create jobs in this hostile environment.  Just go golfing full time and get out of our way.

– What kind of people would let their children near these corrupt people who are perpetrating the largest ponsey scheme on America, while putting unsustainable debt on the backs of these children??!!

– National Suicide.  Who can believe his goal is anything other than to break down America so he can build it up into his utopian dream….. which has historically never worked anywhere?  Fact is we are printing money at an unsustainable rate, so much so that we are actually in the greatest depression the US has ever experienced, if it weren’t for the all time high food stamps issued under Obama, we would have people starving to death in this obama economy.  He is just putting off the inevitable.  Be prepared for what is coming.

– Obama is an example of why you should never do drugs.

– It’s past time for a leader who can lead, instead of blame and subterfuge.

– HOW can he speak on the economy? He is clueless!!!!

– Lame Duck.  He has caused the US to implode and intelligent Americans won’t let him get away with it until he serves time.

– You don’t see the wheels coming off of this admin?  Both his foreign and domestic policies are coming undone, and even the supreme court ruled against him in a 9 – 0 decision.  Enjoy what you think is Healthcare…….lol  while it lasts.  You are receiving third world care.

– Great Trashy earrings for a first lady.

– Outstanding?  LOL.  I prefer when he is standing out….. of the white house. America will be safer once his damage has been undone and our strength returned.

– Yes, make small talk about how “hot” it is outside, as you know nothing about the economy.

– If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor.  If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor. If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor. If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor. If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor.  Can I keep my doctor now? Republican governors are leading their way our of debt, unlike the Dem states.  It shouldn’t be surprise, a the R’s plans work,and the D’s only put us in debt.

– You actually believe what he says here, rather than do the research yourself?  Hitler thought he was a good guy too.
America didn’t want this type of government; else we would have had a King George III; instead we have Barack Obama the one and only.

Out of these 13 comments, there are only a few possible “facts”.

…are perpetrating the largest ponsey scheme on America, while putting unsustainable debt on the backs of these children
Ladylordess blames President Obama for debt from republican policies that Obama didn’t sign into law or support in any way.  Obama’s total contribution to the debt is roughly 2% of the total.
0/1, ladylordess. 

Republican governors are leading their way our of debt, unlike the Dem states.
Ladylordess offers no support for this crackpottery.  But there are multiple examples of the opposite.  Kansas, Wisconsin, New Jersy, California, for a few examples that come to mind.

we are printing money at an unsustainable rateso much so that we are actually in the greatest depression the US has ever experienced, if it weren’t for the all time high food stamps issued under Obama, we would have people starving to death in this obama economy
Ladylordess apparently isn’t aware that inflation is incredibly low, enough that economists were more worried about deflation than inflation.   Nor is she aware that the Fed’s QE is about 1/3 of what it was under Bernanke.  The food stamp whine is as ridiculous as everything else the spammer rights.  Without the bush crisis and recession, there’d be no need for additional food stamps – or the stimulus, for that matter.

In two months of comments, ladylordess has spewed zero facts. 

2 thoughts on “Youtube’s Libertarian Nutjob Spammers

  1. trump doesn’t like obama do to the FACT that him and others like trump may have to start paniyg there fair share for a change and stop blowing smoke up my ass and the middle class ass as well with that horse shit that if there taxes are raised they will get rid of people. those same asshole are getting rid of workers/people anyway even thow right now there % is amoung the lowest of americans who pay taxes. THAT IS THE FACTS AND WHY MOST DON’T AGREE WITH SOME OF WHAT OBAMA IS TRYING TO DO!

    1. In reality, every american pays taxes.
      You idiot cons don’t know anything about politics other than dumb right wing talking points.

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