Political Forums

We have all the finest DB’s at my political forum. Today, the House passed their health care reform bill. Way to go Pelosi and company! […]

Pathetic Republicans: I object

Witness republican lawmakers being children. Worse than mere obstructionists. Worse than if they hadn’t been put into congress at all and as if they’d acted […]

Keith Olbermann on Beck

Keith Olbermann rightly chastises Beck for exploiting 9/11 Visit msnbc.com for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy

Journalists: The Stupid

An example of journalistic stupidity is below. How this guy ever got a job reporting anything is beyond me. The article is titled: “It’s Barack […]

Virginia Foxx: Intellectual

Always colorful, check out Virginia’s (north carolina republican) latest pile of heaping goodness. “we have more to fear from the potential of that bill passing […]

Mitt Romney’s Stimulus Confusion

When Romney was a presidential candidate he proposed a $250 billion stimulus. Jan-Feb 08 When Obama was elected, Romney produced this “stimulus plan” http://article.nationalreview.com/print/?q=NTdlNDlmMGYzYWJlMzFkMDhiOTE4YWMyYmUyNDA4ZTQ= Some […]

Campbell Brown on Journalism

More evidence refuting the assertion that CNN leans to the left. CNN leans right by continuing to passively help right-wing disinformation spread. Referring to CNN’s […]