Encouraging the vote Posted on September 27, 2012 by BabySpittle Samuel L. Jackson Sarah Silverman Steve Carell
Politics Fascist Supreme Court Justices protect Traitor Trump from Justice. Fuck Nazis February 29, 2024 0 The republican-appointed anti-american fascists on the supreme court have essentially pushed back any federal case against Traitor Trump until at least the summer. The fascists […]
Politics As the republicans continue their war on the middle class, reality admin May 22, 2011 0 We see that the majority of our debt will come from just two bush policies (bush tax cuts, bush wars) if left as is within […]
Politics Crazy Governer Perry admin November 12, 2009 0 “This is an administration that I see punishing this state. I say it’s time for us to stand up. I say it’s time to make […]