Trump had one major legislative “achievement”, and that was tax cuts the majority of which benefitted the wealthiest 1%. It added trillions to the debt. […]
Author: Fuck Nazis
How does ANYONE not immediately realize Trump is an idiot?
Nevermind that’s he’s corrupt, a criminal and a traitor – how is it that there is a single american who doesn’t realize trump is an […]
Biden economy stomps Trump economy
Trump took office during the longest streak of private sector job growth in US history (thanks Obama) and put us in recession in just 3 […]
You can be a trump supporter, but you cannot also be a patriot. You can falsely believe that “he tells it like it is”, but […]
Piece of Shit
There’s never been a bigger piece of crap infecting the white house. He was pure shit BEFORE he was installed, being so damned stupid as […]
Do any republicans want americans to vote?
Do all republicans want to suppress the vote? And a follow-up, do any republicans actually support democracy? I’ve never seen a republican propose or supporting […]
What are republicans good at?
Budget? Fuck no. The debt is almost entirely a republican creation, giving handouts to the wealthy and pursuing unjustified wars without end. National security? Fuck […]
Does the fact that twitter is pro-nazi impact investors decisions?
Wouldn’t you think that investors would shy away from a pro-nazi platform, like twitter? Its likely most don’t know how much twitter promotes fascism. I […]
Twitter loveS nazis
Why does twitter love nazis? I realize the CEO jack dempsey is a far right lunatic who is so fucking stupid he can’t tell the […]