This is a preview, which discusses the koch’s millions of dollars spent building an echo chamber (to convince slow people to vote against their own […]
Author: admin
Stocks do better under democrats
“The BGOV Barometer shows that, over the five decades since John F. Kennedy was inaugurated, $1,000 invested in a hypothetical fund that tracks the Standard […]
Sickening – MSNBC’s Jansing and Co let UNELECTED Norquist repeat every trash right wing talking point in the book
Is this is what MSNBC produces, what value do they have? Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy Obama’s TOTAL […]
regarding my estimate that 94% of our debt is republican
That is based on a quick calculation of Obama’s 1.4 trillion, divided by our total debt. Clinton didn’t add to our debt. and the debt […]
This is simply AMAZING!
“House GOP Declares Unanimously: Bush Tax Cuts Did Not Blow Up The Budget” HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. That’s like painting a big “THERE’S NOBODY DUMBER THAN ME!!!” sign […]
Comparing Obama’s dictator removal to Bush’s dictator removal
This graphic comes from the Center for American Progress, by way of think progress.
Big Corporations spend more LOBBYING, than they pay in taxes
Thinkprogress has a list of 30 major corporation who accomplished this dubious feat. Those corporations made a profit of $163 billion and received a […]
Jim Demint is a pile of lying shit
Demint spent his interview whining about “spending”. Lets examine his record, compared to Obama’s. Obama we know, has added approximately 1.25 trillion dollars to the […]