Koch Brothers Exposed

This is a preview, which discusses the koch’s millions of dollars spent building an echo chamber (to convince slow people to vote against their own […]

Stocks do better under democrats

“The BGOV Barometer shows that, over the five decades since John F. Kennedy was inaugurated, $1,000 invested in a hypothetical fund that tracks the Standard […]

This is simply AMAZING!

“House GOP Declares Unanimously: Bush Tax Cuts Did Not Blow Up The Budget” HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. That’s like painting a big “THERE’S NOBODY DUMBER THAN ME!!!” sign […]

Jim Demint is a pile of lying shit

Demint spent his interview whining about “spending”. Lets examine his record, compared to Obama’s. Obama we know, has added approximately 1.25 trillion dollars to the […]


Rick Santorum has made a habit of crazy statements. He’s a republican – what else is new. He recently said: SANTORUM: Am I going to […]