About Gun Nuts

gun nuts:
– think 30,000 gun deaths per year is not a problem worth trying to solve, no matter what the solution is.
– think they are in a militia by virtue of having a gun, regardless of what militia meant at the time of the bill of rights
– use NRA propaganda to justify their idiocy, without thought.
– think any attempts to solve the problem of gun deaths is an attempt to take away their guns
– equate guns with freedom, while ignoring the freedom taken from the victims of gun violence
– pretend all gun suicides would happen with or without easy access to guns (@19,000 gun suicides per year)
– think that any method to reduce gun thefts harms their “freedom”
– think smart guns are bad, hurts their “freedom”
– parrot a discredited study by lott.  yay stupidity
– think that more guns = less gun violence, ignoring all statistics showing the exact opposite.
– think that one of the 3 commas in the 2nd amendment is a magic comma, so they can ignore the first half of the 2nd amendment.
– many gun nuts consider themselves “pro-life”, while ignoring the thousands of gun victims every year, who have life taken from them.
– many are so dumb, they think the fascist koch brothers are on their “team”.

In short, gun nuts are extremely mentally challenged – dumber than your standard conservative idiot that votes against himself based on right wing lies; which is already dumb as fuck.

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