Message to a republican friend

I’m going to try and make this quick, in part because if you vote republican for president your vote doesn’t matter in california any more than mine would in west virginia.  Thanks, Electoral college.

If you love fox, or you love joe rogan, or even your local news (70% of local news stations have been bought by a far right conglomerate and are forced to parrot far right propaganda) – fine.  The information below will likely be very upsetting, but it is not my goal to upset you.  I hope you read through it.

some facts about trump that fox will never admit:

– he is a fucking TRAITOR.  he attempted a coup to overthrow the US government.

– he is a criminal, despite the 6 republicans on the supreme court trying to protect him from the consequences of his crimes.
– he is by far the biggest liar in political history.
he lied 30,000+ times while he was president.
he lied 600+ times in the debate against biden the media decided he “won”.

he lied 162 times in a recent “press conference” that lasted 64 minutes.  more than 2 lies per minute.

– he was a terrible president even before he extorted ukraine in an effort to cheat in the 2020 election (which is worse than what got nixon to resign).  he was terrible before he mishandled the covid pandemic, leading to hundreds of thousands more dead americans than if we had sane leadership.

– trump was terrible for the economy, in contrast to his lies and those of fox propaganda network.  his sole legislative “win” was handouts for billionaires which didn’t create jobs, but added trillions to the debt.  and nevermind that 97% of the jobs created since reagan left office have been created under (D) presidents.

and fox is NOT a news network.  fox’s entire purpose is to get americans to vote against themselves.  Fox likely didn’t spend much time talking on their programs about their nearly 800 billion dollar settlement for defamation which was a main reason they got rid of tucker carlson.  People who watch no news at all are better informed than fox viewers.

If republicans were good at governing why are republican states the worst in life expectancy?  By virtue of living in many republican states, you live 6 years less than in california, on average.


If republicans were good at governing why are republican states the worst in education?

#50 Mississippi
#49 Arkansas
#48 North Dakota
#47 Oklahoma
#46 Nevada (not a red state)
#45 Louisiana
#44 Iowa
#43 West Virginia
#42 South Dakota
#41 Indiana

If republicans were good at governing why are republican states the worst in violent crime?

#50 New Mexico (not a red state)
#49 Alaska
#48 Arkansas
#47 Louisiana
#46 Tennessee
#45 California (blue state)
#44 Colorado (blue state)
#43 South Carolina
#42 Missouri
#41 Michigan (swing state)

If republicans were good at governing why are republican states the worst in poverty?

#50 Mississippi
#49 Louisiana
#48  New Mexico (not a red state)
#47 West Virginia
#46  Kentucky
#45 Arkansas
#44  Alabama
#43 Oklahoma
#42 South Carolina
#41 Tennessee

If republicans were good at governing why are republican states the worst in inflation?  Where would the inflation rate have been at its highest if republican states weren’t inflating the inflation rate?

#50 Florida
#49 Tennessee
#48 Virginia
#47 South Carolina
#46 Alabama

If republicans were good at governing why are republican states the worst in health outcomes?

#50 West Virginia
#49 Arkansas
#48 Oklahoma
#47 Tennessee
#46 Mississippi
#45 Louisiana|
#44 Alabama
#43 Ohio
#42 Kentucky
#41 Missouri

If republicans loved our democracy, why are they constantly making it harder to vote?
“All but one of those 29 new laws came in states where Republicans have full control of the lawmaking process: Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana,2 Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas and Wyoming.”

I can’t help but wonder how much more amazing our nation would be if we weren’t saddled with shitty republican states.

There are a lot of things I haven’t touched on, like Fox falsely blaming Biden for inflation (when trump did more to cause inflation), or the fascist right’s propaganda networks labeling everything socialist or communist because they know their audience doesn’t know what those words mean but those words are scary.  It’s fucking embarrassing how many people I thought were intelligent who fall for that stupidity.  Or the right’s constant lies about the border, when republicans have blocked every effort to address the border for the last 2 decades.  or their lies about crime, which is down dramatically under biden.

And I haven’t mentioned all the good that biden did, which mainstream media (much less fox propaganda) barely acknowledged, and includes the manufacturing boom, bringing tech production back to the USA, preventing China from using and copying US tech and unifying NATO against Putin, for a brief incomplete list.  Biden by legislative accomplishments is the best president in at least 60 years since LBJ, and likely since FDR.

I don’t know how to even pretend to respect someone that supports trump.  Republicans are bad enough, but Trump manages to be magnitudes dumber.  Foreign-owned fox propaganda network shows its power over dumb americans with the election of GWB and Trump, two of the worst presidents in our history.

My brother gets mad when I label people dumb.  But what is dumber than voting against yourself, everyone you know and the entire nation?  Am I supposed to respect people that let fox steal their vote?

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