Ron Paul-onomics

Paul Krugman discusses the economics of GOP candidate Ron Paul. Now, it’s still very unlikely that Ron Paul will become president. But, as I said, […]

My people

Republicans, such as Karl Rove have questioned the right of the Occupy wall street movement to call themselves the 99%. Note to Karl: Its basic […]

Elizabeth Warren Ad

She’s getting early buzz for president in 2016 by the progressive community. This is someone who would fight for the majority, as she’s already been […]

Buddy Roemer calls out Bloomberg

Again I have to highlight an occasion where a republican makes sense. Again its Buddy. “The Mayor of New York City is standing on the […]

The GOP lie-repeating machine

I’ve never challenged this long running lie much, because I didn’t bother to learn the causes of the financial crisis. The GOP/Fox/Koch brothers has convinced […]