Budget? Fuck no. The debt is almost entirely a republican creation, giving handouts to the wealthy and pursuing unjustified wars without end. National security? Fuck […]
Year: 2019
Does the fact that twitter is pro-nazi impact investors decisions?
Wouldn’t you think that investors would shy away from a pro-nazi platform, like twitter? Its likely most don’t know how much twitter promotes fascism. I […]
Twitter loveS nazis
Why does twitter love nazis? I realize the CEO jack dempsey is a far right lunatic who is so fucking stupid he can’t tell the […]
Informed Single-Issue anti-abortion voters have no choice but to vote for democrats.
Republican policy does not reduce abortion rates anywhere close to the drops under (D) policy. https://qz.com/857273/the-sharpest-drops-in-abortion-rates-in-america-have-been-under-democratic-presidents/