Fake Conservative Memes

There are things conservatives treat as fact, which have no basis in reality. “Obamaphones” is one of their favorites. But the free phone program began […]

Patience for idiots

Do you have any? Let me highlight some stupidity. the average yahoo con claims to eat for $5 per day. those fat-asses eat more than […]


That trend looks like it would sharply continue, doesn’t it? Thankfully, that trend did not continue. The chart shows job growth, if you haven’t guessed. […]

Right Wing Nutty Yahoo

A new poll today on yahoo finance (not a thinker’s site). “In the wake of the Washington state bridge collapse, would you support a tax […]


This is an app that sounds useful. It lets you avoid monsanto, or the koch brothers series of products. Buycott

Spammers Spanked

Prior to some simple changes yesterday, this site got more than 10,000 spam comments per day. Today? none got through. Suck it, spammers.